Visit with the “Bending Machine” of the OneDollarGlasses
Today we had the presentation of the bending machine, or rather the eyeglasses factory, by the head of the regional group Bremen/WeserEms, Germany.
We had a very interesting conversation and we were shown how the eyeglasses frames are manufactured in parts. It became clear very quickly that it takes a lot of practice to make the frames. It was considered whether it might be more sensible for our project to purchase finished frames. This will require a discussion within the association.
So we will be patient for a while, if and how we can cooperate with the association. In any case we find the association worthy of support and would be happy if the association receives more support for its goals. For more information please follow the link: OneDollarGlasses.
Now we are eagerly awaiting the meeting with the founder and CEO of Global Vision 2020 next Friday. The system of Global Vision 2020 with the USee™ glasses and the uniform plastic frames is also very good and a cooperation would be desirable for us in any case.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Antje and Ingo Paulus