Many popular videos from our sailing trip to the Caribbean and back can be seen on our YouTube Channel. Of course it is worthwhile to have a look there.
In addition, there are also nice film recordings and contributions from our trip, which were recorded by the TV stations SAT.1 and NDR. They are not allowed to be shown on YouTube and it would be a pity if they were no longer to be seen. After all, the two stations each sent a team of three people to us for an entire day of shooting.
Therefore we have here the link to the SAT.1 contribution:
In order to be allowed to show the contribution from the NDR here, we have tried to obtain a license with costs.
We were informed shortly afterwards that no license was granted and therefore licensing and use is unfortunately not possible. So only a private use is allowed. The link to the contribution in the NDR-Mediathek was only available for one year and therefore we can only show the following photo of the contribution: